However, for non fiction books I love following this process:
- Identify the Thesis – the main argument
- Determine the points used to defend and prove the thesis
- Follow the argument and the points and summarize each of the conclusions in your own words at the end of the chapter
- At the end of the book, determine if the thesis was defended and persuasive. If it was persuasive, why? If it wasn’t, why?
This simple system is a great way to engage the church fathers. Sadly, I think many Christians today either are not aware of the church fathers, or believe they are for the pastors and theologians to read. I would argue, they are for all of us to read! As we read books, lets’ try to have balance there as well. For every 2 new/current books we read lets engage with an ancient book written. What we will find is that much of what we are dealing with today are reimagined and adapted situations that the church fathers dealt with. I know, you are probably thinking where do I get started with the church fathers! This was biggest question I got after my IG post which is why I wrote this post and I am going to provide a couple suggested starting points.
Suggested Books to Get started With
- Augustine – Confessions
- Augustine – City of God
- Athanasius – On the Incarnation
- Basil of Ceasarea – On the Holy Spirit
Final Thoughts
When reading the church fathers please don’t get discouraged if it is hard to understand at first. Many of the books I linked above I tried to link for easier translation and understanding however, it still takes work to really get to what they are saying at times. However, the effort will be so worth it! So, when reading; read for depth not for speed or width. In other words, it is absolutely ok to read a paragraph and work through the sentences to really get to what the author is saying! This is what I did the first time I went through Augustines City of God. I went small section by small section. It was so worth it. Praying you would find yourself captured not so much by the church fathers, but by their love and affections for the Lord Jesus that prompted them to write with such depth and careful consideration of the doctrines of God.
I found you through Blurry Creatures and I am beyond grateful for the friend that shared. Albeit nervous because it was with one of their first podcasts, but it’s allowed me to learn more than I ever would have on my own.
I firmly agree and understand now what it means to test what I hear against the Lords word. And it’s actually brought me and my mom closer, she was onto Mike Hieser before me and I thought she was loosing it.
So question, what books do you recommend that helps with understanding the Bible through Hebrew translation for things we have really botched with English language. No doubt going back to school would be a start, but any recommendations for a beginner so to speak.
Again thank you for the truth you share, I’ve never understood the Bible more in all my 30+ years of church going and yearly Bible reading. I’m more in love and appreciative of God and His mercy and grace because I understand.
I also found Dr. Joel Muddamalle On Blurry Creatures. It is my favorite podcast and Dr. Muddamalle It’s one of my favorite guests. His knowledge and articulation of Bible truths led me to seek him out. I have signed up for his reading the Bible together in one year course and I’m really looking forward to it. I have been a Christian since I was 10 years old and I am now 70, but I confess I have never Completely read the
Bible All the way through. It was so confusing. Now that I have listened to Blurry Creatures and other Christian podcasts, I feel I am better equipped to read the Bible. I feel that Dr. Muddamalle Will be an excellent guide in this endeavor.