One of the things that has always captivated me is how important positioning is in life. Now, follow me on this. When you play sports, the right position against your opponent is the foundational building block of learning that will help an athlete achieve their victory. In the world of business we always consider “how can we position ourselves for success”? This is especially true of relationships or the right deals in order to achieve success. It’s again, about position.The same is true within the context of military battles. Generals slave over maps that take into account topography, landmarks, and other important distinctions that will help them determine how they will position their troops.
When I worked for Faithlife (makers of Logos Bible Software) and traveled extensively I always loved flying into San Diego. Grabbing my rental car and leaving the airport I passed by massive war ships. I would instantly begin to think about what it would look like for these ships to be out in the middle of the ocean and the immense amount of calculation it would take by the entire crew if they had to engage in battle.
Motivations Of War
We may ask ourselves, what would cause war? What could initiate this battle? Throughout the course of human history we can trace wars, battles, and the turmoil that follows to individuals who have their eyes turned towards objects that they believe will fill their desires. This belief has led kings into battle for land and territory. It has caused battles in business over companies, leadership, and ownership. Ultimately it always results in devastation.
Friends, when the object of our affections are worldly pleasures, a battle begins. For the believer, it is an epic battle over who has our devotion and worship.
There is within our hearts a strategic positioning that is taking place to win our affections.
The Object Of Affection and Worship
What holds your gaze? What occupies your mind as it wanders? Can these things be traced to worship and adoration of the King of Kings, or will it lead you to a path of destruction?
Ultimately, we will find that the object of our affection is where our worship is.
Anything else – will always leave us half filled, left out, and less than.
What is your “anything else”. Friends, lay it down at the feet of Jesus. When Jesus is the object of our affections, the war for worship will be won as we turn our eyes and gaze to the one who is worthy of all praise and honor. Position yourself in a posture of worship and embrace the goodness of the presence of Jesus.
How To Win the War of Position?
- Evaluate what has your attention – Does it point you towards Christ or towards yourself?
- Submit those things to God in prayer – Prayer is a powerful and underutilized grace that God has freely given us (1 Thes 5:17, Mark 11:24)
- Remember the Gospel – We never move on from the gospel, rather it has new fresh meaning in every stage and moment of our life (1 Co 15:1-2)
- Commit to your local church – Belong, be known, and submit yourself and your family to the care of the Church (Acts 2:44-45)
- Commit yourself to remembrance. Remember the goodness of God and allow it to take root deep within your heart.
When you began this blog I thought you might go a different way in developing how God has positioned us in our lives & through the various trials & tribulations we each may have respectively gone through. So I will be trying to answer that as well.
I did take your message to heart as well as requested St. Augustine’s book on Wisdom. I relate to how God changed him!